miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2009

How can you retain customers?

With the right approach, you can develop and implement a loyalty strategy to strengthen the relationship between your product and your customers, and in doing so, raise the profitability of your business.

Believe in loyalty!
If we transport ourselves into the world of management, statistics, major tactics and methods, I’m sure you will read or hear much about focus groups, consumer-focused organizations, one-on-one marketing and many other concepts and models that teach how to create relationships with customers.

If you have read all of these concepts, I am sure that you have wondered exactly how they can be applied to your business or how you can make them work for your clients and your actual business practice.

The truth is that all these concepts can be extremely beneficial for business, but the accurate and systematic implementation of the concepts is not what make them successful. They are successful if they are used as tools to achieve a broader strategy: to connect with customers and create loyalty.

Establish a real connection
In today’s world you can establish a real connection with buyers, meet their needs each day and learn more about their preferences through a well designed and focused loyalty strategy. http://www.8ampersand.com

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