miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2010

Do we all deserve loyalty?

From an airline company, to an architect, to a factory or a taxi driver, all industries, businesses and professional offices can develop a good loyalty strategy.

Loyalty is a theme that is complex and full of different views and opinions. But the question that must be asked is whether it is relevant to us all.

In a conceptual manner, one can ask: Are all industries susceptible to loyalty strategies? Or, more pragmatically: Can my business, profession or trade benefit from a loyalty initiative?

The indisputable answer to both questions is, YES! From an airline or an architect, to a factory or a seamstress, all industries, businesses, professional activities and professions can benefit from a good loyalty program.

Let´s test this! We may think that an independent taxi driver is not susceptible to loyalty initiatives for its customers:  When an independent taxi driver thinks about his next passenger, he must rely on strangers that signal him from the sidewalk to carry them from one point to another, and then disappear without possibly ever seeing them again. The reasoning for this taxi driver is that the customer is simply the result of a coincidence of space and time, virtually impossible to replicate, and therefore irrelevant to deal with any loyalty strategy. Sometimes, the attitude is enough .

Now let's look at the situation from the client’s viewpoint. When the person is on the street and needs a taxi, does he simply approach the sidewalk, signal for a cab and climb into the first vehicle that stops for him? Of course not. First of all, the passenger considers whether he should take a taxi from the street or call for one. If he chooses the first, he gets closer to the sidewalk, begins to wave his hand, and when a taxi approaches, he enters the second phase of the evaluation.

After the taxi stops, the man considers: does the cab look legal and does it have it badges and documents in order? Is the exterior clean? Does the cab arrive at high speeds or moderate speeds? Does the driver approach the sidewalk prudently or negligently? Consciously or not, all these criteria have crossed the client's mind, all before even coming into contact with the service.

After the second evaluation phase, comes the third with these questions: Does the driver seem clean and pleasant? Did he greet the client with kindness and look the client in the eye? Does the driver start the meter as he should and does he specify the rate that applies to the trip? Is the interior of the car clean and neat?

Assuming that this stage passes and the client has reached a decision to take the taxi, the questions continue: Does the driver handle the taxi well? Does the driver offer route choices to reach the destination? Does he offer to open or close the window to make the trip more enjoyable? Does he play music? Does he smoke without asking if it bothers the client? Upon arriving, does he request payment pleasantly? Does he thank the client for choosing his taxi and does he wish the client a good day? We could continue to provide all the factors or criteria you use to evaluate customer service.

And finally, if this client were you, and you had an extraordinary experience in the taxi and know you’ll have another trip soon, do you ask the driver to wait or return at a certain hour? Or ask for his card so that you can call for him at another time? And then we ask the last question regarding the taxi’s service: Is he prepared to give you details so that he can be contacted for services in the future? In short, these taxi drivers have executed, knowingly or not, a good strategy for achieving customer loyalty.

Turning back to the pragmatic question with which we began this exploration: Can my business, profession or trade benefit from a loyalty initiative? YES, any situation where there is a relationship between a supplier and a consumer of a product or service presents an opportunity for loyalty.

Of course, complexity and implementation of the strategy changes depending on the trade or business and the customer profile. But if an independent taxi driver, an alleged victim of chance, can generate loyal customers through a good attitude, imagine what a proper loyalty strategy can do for a tailor, pharmacy, clinic, multinational financial services company, or the government. We all deserve loyalty.

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